artistic practice

teaching artist: participatory art -> film programs & -collectives / performance

24 ’23 ’22 ’21 ’20 ’19 ’18 ’17 ’16 ’15 ’14 ’13/’12

art: ->participatory art ->drawing ->text ->video

’22 ’23a /’23b ’16/’15 ’15/’18 ’10/’11


artistic research 2010 – ongoing

AT : teachers celebrity fragrance – collective ideas of an individual

documentary: about….memories of art teachers and lecturers

Artists and art mediators are portrayed and interviewed as they change roles. This includes memories of art teachers from their school days or as students at art schools.

aesthetic task – finding a common form that offers sufficient scope for abstraction, vagueness but also concrete visualizations: In this project, I invite participants to create perfume, a flacon, i.e. fragrance notes that describe their art teachers, mentors or professors. These perfumes are dedicated to them accompanied by lyrics, music, dance or graphic images.

celebrity fragrance – collective ideas of an individual

Künstler_innen, Kunstlehrer_innen und Vermittlerinnen werden innerhalb ihrer Rollenwechsel in der Vermittlungsarbeit portraitiert. Dies beinhaltet Erinnerungen an Kunstlehrer_innen der eigenen Schulzeit als ehemalige Schüler_innen oder Professor_innen aus dem Studium sowie die Position in Workshops als teaching artist oder Regie in partizipativen Performances, Theaterstücken, Filmen und künstlerischen Projekten. Auch Schüler_innen und Teilnehmer_innen ohne Bezugnahme auf einen bereits ausgeübten künstlerischen Beruf, werden befragt.

ästhetische Aufgabenstellung – eine gemeinsame Form finden, die ausreichend Spielraum für Abstraktion aber auch konkrete Visualisierungen bietet:

In diesem Projekt lade ich Teilnehmende ein, Parfums, Flacons, sprich Duftnoten zu kreieren, die Kunstlehrer_innen oder Lehrende beschreiben und diesen gewidmet sind.

celebrity fragrance – collective ideas of an individual

Artists, art teachers and mediators are portrayed as they change roles in the mediation work. This includes memories of art teachers from their own school days as former students or professors from their studies as well as the position in workshops as a teaching artist or directing participatory performances, plays, films and artistic projects. Pupils and participants without reference to an already practiced artistic profession are also questioned. aesthetic task – finding a form that offers sufficient scope for abstraction, vagueness but also concrete visualizations: In this project, I invite participants to create perfumes, flacons, i.e. scents, that are dedicated to art teachers or artists/lecturers at art school.

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